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Imaging Studies

Chairs: Annika Bergquist ( and Kristina Ringe (

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a central role in the diagnosis of PSC and holds significant promise as a method to predict disease outcomes. Consequently, the MRI PSC Working Group was established to provide a collaborative network that seeks to foster discovery and innovation regarding the application of MRI-based technologies in the diagnosis of PSC and detection of disease related complications. 
The interdisciplinary collaboration between radiologists and hepatologists has been a prerequisite for the successful work in the group and results.

Ongoing projects  (Feb. 2021)

Project title

Principal investigator

Contact info/email


MRI CCA localization – database

Henrike Lenzen & Kristina Ringe, Hannover;

In manuscript

Dominant stricture: time for a prospective multicenter study

Mathias Thylin and Andrea Tenca, Helsinki,


New planned projects

The protective potential of the gallbladder in PSC

Nora Cazzagon

Validation of the DiStrict score

Aristeidis Grigoriadis

A multicenter retrospective study in patients with large-duct PSC to investigate if MRCP+ metrics can predict adverse outcomes

Laura Cristoferi & Nora Cazzagon

Prognostic role of quantitative MRCP-derived biliary metrics
in primary sclerosing cholangitis

Laura Cristoferi & Nora Cazzagon


Meeting calender

  • The last MRI Working Group meeting took place on Monday 26 September 2022 at

    Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet:

      • Discussion on identification of early PSC and the concerns that “false positive” diagnoses of PSC might cause patient distress and unnecessary follow-up
      • Improved training would build confidence and allow conclusive diagnosis in patients that are now left with unclear MRI descriptions.
      • The group agreed that there is a need to design a study to improve our understanding of this group
      • As a first step Kristina Ringe will send out a survey to investigate current opinion of which MRI signs are needed to make a diagnosis of PSC.
  • The previous MRI Working Group meeting was held on Monday 11 October 2021,
    from 4-6 pm CET and was a Zoom meeting. 

Minutes from the MRI Working group meetings

Template for studies in IPSCSG MRI Working Group

  • Please find the template here.

IPSCSG – Publications

    • Bergquist A, Weismüller TJ, Levy C, Rupp C, Joshi D, Nayagam JS et al. Impact on follow-up strategies in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Liver International 2022;
    • Venkatesh SK, Welle CL, Miller FH, Jhaveri K, Ringe KI, Eaton JE, et al; IPSCSG. Reporting standards for primary sclerosing cholangitis using MRI and MR cholangiopancreatography: guidelines from MR Working Group of the International Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Study Group. Eur Radiol. 2022 Feb;32(2):923-937. doi: 10.1007/s00330-021-08147-7. Epub 2021 Aug 6.PMID: 34363134;
    • Ringe KI, Grigoriadis A, Halibasic E, Wacker F, Manns MP, Schramm C, et al. Recommendations on the Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Collaborative Multicenter Studies in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. 2019;69(3):1358-9.
    • Schramm C, Eaton J, Ringe KI, Venkatesh S, Yamamura J, IPSCSG MRIwgot. Recommendations on the use of magnetic resonance imaging in PSC-A position statement from the International PSC Study Group. 2017;66(5):1675-